11 August 2005

Introducing...Profiles in Style | Tim A.

Tim A.
We've been scouring the Bay Area for fashion forward folks, and we're happy to introduce a new recurring feature highlighting these people's creativity and individual sense of style.

We're pleased to inaugurate "Profiles in Style" with Tim, an ensemble cast member in the San Francisco production of Wicked. And by the way--we Loved the show. If you're in the area, buy tickets. ASAP. They'll sell out fast.

Name: Tim A.
Occupation: Ensemble cast member in "Wicked," currently playing at SF's Orpheum Theatre.
Hometown: Los Angeles.
Style Philosophy: Casually dressy with a funky flair.
Wardrobe Staples: A closetful of jeans. Today, I'm wearing Parasuco jeans. I bought them in Toronto; they're not readily available in the States.
Where I Shop: Beverly Center, and a lot of small boutiques, like Jet Rag. I also like Diesel stores.
Last Words: Fashion doesn't always have to be uncomfortable.